Vinter camping - Indendørs udstyr
Isolering til bagdørene
At sove med hovedet direkte mod en kold dør... Vi indså hurtigt, at det ikke ville være særlig hyggeligt, og derfor har vi testet 2 forskellige slags isolering til bagdørene. Begge modeller har fordele og ulemper, afhængigt af hvordan køretøjet bruges og af personlige præferencer.
Vi synes, at det er nemmest at bruge den model, som hænger på dørene med magnetlukninger. Det kræver ingen montering af beslag eller lignende - heller ikke indvendigt. Ulempen er, at både garagen og opholdsområdet står helt "åbent", så snart man åbner dørene. Fordelen er, at du kan få adgang til både opbevaringspladsen og opholdsområdet uden at fjerne noget.
Den anden model er monteret med trykknapper og er skruet fast. Når du åbner dørene, dækker isoleringen mod direkte træk. Du kan åbne bunden for at få adgang til opbevaringspladsen, men der er ingen åbning i toppen. Hvis du skal placere noget der, skal du fjerne isoleringen ved at løsne trykknapperne.
Having stylish carpets in the camper is as obvious and important as it is at home. Since we have underfloor heating in our camper, it's crucial to have a mat that isn't too dense and doesn't have a rubberized underside, partly to prevent the heat from rising and to avoid the risk of marks on the floor from the mat. A custom-made mat provides a neat and cozy impression and also has sound-absorbing properties. There are many different models of carpets, and we chose one that matches both in terms of style and colour.
Windshield and Front Door Insulation
It's not just the front floor that strongly contributes to drafts but also the doors, windshield, and side windows. For several years, we've tested various models, both internal and external. However, we find the blanket from MASA to be the best and easiest; it is quick to put in place and pack away. We've also tried internal insulation, but condensation occurs on the inside of the windows, so we prefer the external model. If you want the option to open and be able to see outside while letting in the winter sun, there is also a model with an opening. The MASA blanket is not only great in the winter but also in the summer, as the silver surface is used to keep the heat out.
Heating mat
Something we've experienced in previous campers is that the area at the driver and passenger seats are often poorly insulated and thus a real cold spot. The floor is often completely uninsulated, significantly cooling down the entire camper. We've addressed this by installing a heating mat from Alde. The mat is connected to the regular heating system, circulating warm glycol through the mat. If you've installed a heat exchanger, it provides a warm and cozy feeling both while driving and when camping. Our experience, so far has been very positive!